The Farm Bill is one of the most significant pieces of legislation in this country because it drives our nation’s food and agricultural policy and has ripple effects for the rest of the world through the trade policies that are effected as a result of it.
The Farm Bill Determines:
How our lives are directly linked to what is happening on American farms
The food we find at the grocery store and how it is directly affected by agricultural polices set by the U.S. Government
The variety of foods we have access to.
The price of basic commodities
The nutrition programs we find in our schools
The extent of land conservation promoted
The subsidies and tariffs set for U.S. commodities
The amount of money spent on the Food Stamp Program (currently $3.00/day/person)
The standards for animal health and welfare in the food process
The amount of money spent for food emergency programs across the globe
The amount of money spent on developmental assistance programs in poor countries. Farm Bill
Call or email Congress to pass an equitable Farm Bill for the most vulnerable in our nation and around the world.