In order to enrich our liturgy and reduce the number of announcements after Mass, here are some of the important announcements for this week. For more information please read the bulletin and check the web site (
Religious Education Registration continues. Forms are available in the narthex and in the office.
Religious Education volunteer opportunities abound! Will you answer God’s call to serve? Classes that need catechists:
v Sunday: 1st, 3
rd, 7th, 8th, 9th
v Wed: Kinder, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5
th Aids are needed for all classes.
Please contact Jenny Kodysz (
[email protected] or 637-0875).
Youth who are interested in serving for the August 15, 11:00 am Youth Mass should contact Jenny Kodysz (
[email protected] or 512-637-0875).
“10 Great Dates” Couples: Tomorrow, we will be hosting an hors d’oeuvre party before your next Great Date! Saturday, August 14th at 5:30PM in St. Monica Hall. Questions?
Save the Date!October 15-17, 2010 Friday (10/15) – David Kauffman concert; Saturday (10/16) – David Kauffman workshop; Sunday (10/17) – The Big Event. Please extend your support to Keith and Carol Copeland, chairs of the 2010 Big Event.
PSM “Household/Personal Hygiene” Pantry: The pantry is serving around 92-100 families with items they need to keep clean and healthy. These families are on Food Stamps or their monthly income is at the federal poverty level and live in Round Rock It is becoming more difficult to keep the pantry stocked. We need your help! Items needed are:
toothpaste, deodorant shampoo/conditioner, dish detergent, bar soap, cleaning products, laundry detergent (29 load), paper towels, baby wipes, baby wash, baby powder. Your generosity is appreciated. ·
Third Friday is next Friday, August 20. Eucharistic Adoration is from 9 am on Friday (8/20) until 9 am on Saturday (8/21). The consistent belief of the Church is that Christ is present in the Eucharist; Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. During adoration, the faithful may meditate, read the Scriptures, read spiritual books, spend some quiet time or pray in any manner that deepens their love for God. You may sign up on line at