In order to enrich our liturgy and reduce the number of announcements after Mass, here are some of the important announcements for this week. For more information please read the bulletin and check the web site (
· The May Children’s Mass is Sunday at 11:00. Our children will crown Mother Mary and they are encouraged to bring flowers for Our Lady.
· The second collection this weekend is for Debt Reduction. We are getting closer and closer to our goal of $150,000. With help from all parishioners, we should be able to retire the debt on the rectory before the end of the summer. Wouldn’t it be great to start the next school year with a mortgage burning party?!
· e-Ministry is seeking members who are interested in spreading the word of God through on-line and computer media. Ideal candidates may have a background in computers or have a genuine interest in learning more about computers. Contact Jeremy Cantu for more information at 716-1233 or [email protected].
· Rosary Evenings begin May 1. Join us as we pray the Rosary in the Marian Garden (Eucharistic Chapel in case of rain) at 7 pm Sundays-Fridays (5 pm on Saturdays in the church) during the month of May. All meetings scheduled to begin at 7 pm in May will begin with this Rosary.
· “Fest-of-All” planning continues. Volunteer opportunities abound! Check out the “Fest-of-All” table in the narthex. Get ready for the colorful t-shirt, big money raffle, varied entertainment and delicious food.
· Please pray for the men attending “Christ Renews His Parish” this weekend.
· Thursday before First Friday – next Thursday, May 6. Confession from 5:30-6:30 p.m.
· First Friday Adoration and Devotion – next Friday, May 7. Eucharistic Adoration from 9 am on Friday-9 am on Saturday. You are invited to spend some time with Jesus. Sacred Heart Devotion at 7 p.m. on Friday evening.
· Please remember that there is no driving or parking on the south side of the church (the gravel driveway) except for delivery vehicles and for those with special needs. Thank you for your cooperation.