There are several important dates to remember in Bereavement Ministry.
Sept. 13, 7:30 p.m.“Evening of Information.”Come and discover how you can serve people in grief at SJV.
Sept. 26, 7:30 p.m.“Evening of Prayer.”An evening of prayer for healing for anyone king the tender journey of grief, and for others who wish to pray people in grief.
Oct. 25, 7:30 p.m.“The Healing Art of Listening.”An evening dedicated to exploring how we hear God’s voice in our lives, how we listen to our own heart messages, and how well we listen to other people.Also included will be ways we can listen and talk to people who are seriously ill, or in grief.
All meetings will be held in The Brides Room in the main church.Follow the directions when you enter the lobby of the church.For more information contact Charmiel Teresi at 382-6152 or [email protected].