In order to enrich our liturgy and reduce the number of announcements after Mass, here are some of the important announcements for this week. For more information please read the bulletin and check the web site (
First Friday Adoration continues. Eucharistic Adoration is from 9 am on Friday (9/3) until 9 am on Saturday (9/4). You may sign up on line at or simply visit the Day Chapel and spend some time in prayer before our Lord.
Children’s Mass – celebrated this Sunday at 11:00 a.m.
Classes for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), for those interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith, begin Wednesday, September 8
th at 7:00 pm in the Day Chapel.
Religious Education Registration continues. Forms are available in the narthex and in the office.
Religious Education volunteer opportunities abound! Will you answer God’s call to serve? Wednesday classes really need help. Please contact Jenny Kodysz (
[email protected] or 637-0875).
The second collection this weekend is for Debt Reduction. We are within $8000 of our goal of paying off the rectory note. Let’s finish it this month!
Sunday, Sept. 12 - Calling all Middle School and High School Youth! - We're kicking off the new RE year with a monster celebration. The Knights will be cooking up burgers and hot dogs and we'll have lots of food, faith and fun to start the year. The RE kickoff will start at 5:30 in your RE class and the fun will continue until 8:00. To round out our meal, we ask students to please bring an item with them to class according to the following list: 6th and 7th - cold 12 packs of soda; 8th and 9th - cold cases of bottled water; 10th-12th - bags of chips or cookies. Any and all adult volunteers are also welcome. Please contact Angie Cahue-Kosacek at
[email protected] or 733-1493 if you can help.
BIG EVENT NEWS: The Raffle Tickets are READY!! ...Lots of Great Prizes!! Please stop by the narthex to pick up your raffle tickets, and ask your family, friends and coworkers to support our raffle!! We will begin collecting the sold raffle tickets and monies next week in the narthex. Please be sure to get your tickets turned in as soon as you can. If you need additional tickets, contact Bruce Bessner at 512-791-9553 or [email protected]. Let's make this year’s raffle the BEST!!
David Kauffman Concert Planning meeting Thursday, September 9 at 7:00 pm in the St. Lawrence Room. Contact Alyson Pirotina at 921-0644 for more information.
· Join the Young Adult Ministry for a night of
FREE pizza, FREEdrinks, FREE games, and
FREE fun! This event is for any person who is 18 & over. We will be attending the 5:30pm mass on Saturday, Sept. 18th followed by Game Night in St. Monica's Hall from 6:30pm-9:30pm. Beginning this weekend, sign ups will be in the front of the parish after each mass. For more info. contact Jennifer Guevara at
[email protected].