No Elementary Faith Formation Classes this week due to Spring Break. Summer Music Camp-more information under the Music tab. Fish Fry this Friday. Bring your filled plastic Easter eggs to the narthex by March 20.
Monday, March 7
8:15 am Mass Church 6:30 pm RCIY SJB 7:00 pm Baptism Class SFH Rm 1 Tuesday, March 8 5:45 am Men’s Faith Group SFH 8:15 am Mass Church 9:30 am Comfort Caps Knit & Crochet Parlor 7:00 pm “The Church of Mercy” Gathering SFH Wednesday, March 9 8:15 am Mass Church 10:00 am Adult Bible Study SFH Rm 1 5:00 pm Elementary RE SMH/SJB 5:00 pm Reconciliation Church 5:30 pm KC Officer Mtg. VC 7:00 pm KC Business Mtg. VC 6:00 pm Treble Choir (Children) Music Rm 7:00 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal Music Rm/Church Thursday, March 10 8:15 am Mass Church 9:00 am Women’s Lent Gathering Day Chapel 7:00 pm Revelations-Adult Bible Study SFH Rm 1 Friday, March 11 8:15 am Mass Church 5:00 - 8:00 pm KC Fish Fry PAC 6:30 pm Stations of the Cross Church Saturday, March 12 3:30 pm Reconciliation Church 5:30 pm Vigil Mass Church Sunday, March 13, Fifth Sunday of Lent 8:00 am Mass Church 9:30 am RCIA Day Chapel 9:30 am Elementary RE SMH/SJB 11:00 am Mass Church 6:00 pm Alive! High School SMH 6:00 pm Ignite, Middle School VC